Traditional Chinese Medicine
Acupuncture: A technique of inserting needles to acupuncture points throughout the body. It is more popularly known for pain management.
Tui Na or Massage Therapy: Also known as acupressure. Muscles and joints are rubbed, kneaded and pressed to get the body's energy moving.
Qigong or breathing and medication exercise: An art of managing one's breathing to maintain good health. Qigong is mostly for health maintenance though some claim it to have therapeutic properties as well.
Tai Chi: is internal Chinese martial arts but later on evolved to be an exercise routine that promotes health and longevity. Some call this a moving medication.
Chinese herbs are used for balancing, harmonizing and cleansing the body systems. Used alone or in combination with acupuncture, they effectively treat a wide variety of health problems without significant side effects.
Chinese nutrition has long been considered a very important branch of Chinese medicine. Patients were educated about dietary to improve their specific condition.
Cupping is special method of applying acupressure by creating a vacuum on the patient's skin. Cupping is developed through learning proper timing between the use of the fire to create the vacuum inside the cup and the speed at which the cup is placed on the skin.
Gua Sha therapy is the use of repeated pressured strokes over the skin with a smooth edge. Gua sha restores the circulation and qi flow to the areas that are treatd. It only brings to the surface what is trapped below. If there is no stagnation in the tissue underneath, there will be no surface marks on the skin above.